Follow the bones

Follow the Bones, a feature-length documentary, unravels the mystery of a 73 million year old bone bed—a place where hundreds of dinosaurs died en masse. Tucked into a cliff that overlooks Pipestone Creek in Northern Alberta, the story follows the bones through the hands of amateurs, archivists, palaeontologists, curators and exhibit designers. The bones, lost in the archives for close to a decade, rediscovered by a curious researcher and then painstakingly pieced together, tell us what it takes to build a world-class museum   in a town of 1,300 people. The documentary will debut at in the autumn of 2020.

Original illustrations

Working closely with palaeontologists, Toronto-based illustrator Kagan McLeod created fantastic illustrations telling the story of the dinosaurs life and death.

Original Score

We worked with composer and musician Ken Myhr to craft the sound of the documentary. Here is a sample of his fantastic score.


The film is a collaboration between myself and Tara Cooper. Illustrations by Kagan McLeod, film score by Ken Myhr.