Terry O'Neill


Since 2000 I have worked on over 65 feature-length documentaries, most during my tenure in CBC's Documentary Unit. Nowadays I make independent films with my creative partner, artist Tara Cooper.

David Suzuki

I 2008 I proposed an idea for a story to The Nature of Things. What if we made a happy, hope-based story about the environment? What if we made it a buddy film with David and his daughter Sarika? Turns out, it was a good idea.

Phil Currie

I stumbled across this story at my pal Martin's BBQ. He was designing a bonkers dinosaur museum in the middle of nowhere. That sounded cool, but turned out to be just the half of the story that led me on real-life dinosaur digs. Even further into the middle of nowhere.

Clay and Glass

I'm on the board of the museum, and can't seem to pass up an opportunity to volunteer for immense projects. The film is an underdog story of a museum in a small town, and the struggle to stay alive. Spoiler alert—it's still going!


One of the best things about working in the Doc Unit at the CBC was the opportunity to lead a great team of designers to craft the look of the films. They were hotshots. Here's some of the motion graphic work we did.

warm grey dker.jpg